Wowww I had completely forgotten about this!!!
I hear rumors of an extremely wicked harry potter website that you were going to be able to be sorted into a house and follow into the magical journey alongside Harry Potter, Hermione, and fellow Hogwarts students.
I received an email last night saying that I would be able to sign in! (I registered a little over a year ago... it said to be open only for beta testers... and last night it opened to the public!)
Pottermore is very interesting indeed. Jk Rowling added notes on "secret" information about the characters in her books and other short stories that never made it into the book series.
I checked it out and I loved the realistic background noises as well as the design on the website! I just wish I had enough time to sketch some of it (I will definitely come back later).
At this point only the Harry potter and the sorcerer's stone is open.
Anyways I wish this would have existed years ago so I could have spent more time exploring it. I will however add tutorials/ help on a few things in the website that people seem to have trouble on. Message me and I will try to answer your questions as soon as you can!
Q & A
How do you brew potions on Pottermore?
- All you have to do is follow the instructions on the book (you can view the steps as many times as you want).
-When its time to use the cauldron, notice that there are three buttons on the bottom of it. First press the red button to start the fire. \When the temperature on the thermometer turns green you have to press the orange button to "pause the fire" and maintain the correct temperature. When the time is over (10 seconds for your first practice potion), you press the blue button to turn off the fire.
-The wand is by the little sacks of worms (you will see the tip of it poking at the right side of them).
I hope this helps fellow Hogwarts Students =)