So many things have changed...
The move from California to Texas was a bit emotional. I love my family, and though they all have families of their own, I was certain I was going to miss them. But, there was a certain 'someone' that broke my heart having to leave behind; my German Shepherd, Sam. She has always been an outside dog, so the life in an apartment is definitely not for her. I am truly lucky to have family that know how much she means to me and that are able to take care of her for the time being. My brother has never been fond of dogs, and he is the one taking care of my girl now; Am I lucky or what?! I know that where she is at, she has room to run around and will not be alone for hours on end.
With all that said, not a day goes by that I don't regret not having her here. Every beautiful, sunny, warm, hot, cold, cloudy, rainy, day, I think about her; What is she doing? I could have taken her for a walk today... beautiful day for her to get a bath... heard its raining in California... I hope she is doing alright... is there thunder? glad she was never scared of it...
On Feb 6th 2016 she turned 3, human years that is. I miss having her around and having her shampoo smell in my hands. The drive from where she is to my zip code is quite long. She wasn't too fond of car rides and preferred walks instead. The again, having my brother there to take care of her and drive her around in the back of his pick-up truck when necessary can toughen her up. I am glad, because I don't think I could've done it.
Some may think that people with dogs are extreme for treating them like family members. But, dogs are indeed family members. Nobody can truly understand the joy and hassle of having a dog until you truly own one. To know that it is your responsibility to take him/her for a walk, to take him/her to the vet, to make sure they are clean and tick free, to wash their water bowl, to cry with them when their playmate and companion had to be put to sleep due to his age. Besides, they are the best secret keepers a girl could have.
Dogs have beautiful souls and all they need you to do for them is love them and take care of them.
I miss my girl so much and I am glad that she is needed back home to be a guard dog. Love you Sam!
I do promise that one day, hopefully in the near future, I'll be able to bring you home with me.
Me and Sam |
Sam and me |
My girl Sam |
Duke and Sam |
Duke and Sam |
Duke and Sam |
Duke and Sam |
RIP Duke (12/02/2013) |